We register, renew and transfer domain names through a quick and user-friendly registration process on our website www.Serrahost.com.

This service is offered because it allows for a complete packaging together with other services that Serrahost offers. Moreover, in order to empower our customers to establish their Web presence and drive its success, we offer the many value-added products and services such as FREE spam filtering, website templates and enhanced email with SyncSuite.

The service that we offer to businesses is modeled after the service that larger Web development firms offer Fortune 1000 companies, in the sense that it is completely customized and unique to each individual client.

After we build a website for a client, or a new client introduces us to their pre-existing site, we can then offer our marketing services. As Website Experts, we can analyze and test a website based on an established set of standards that account for the website's aesthetic value, scalability, functionality, ease-of-use, and customer demographic. After an analysis has been made, we then explore and present a detailed list of the most efficient Internet marketing tools and methods available to them within the constraints of their budget. This type of service is pertinent to our company given the fact that a very large percentage of small businesses are on a tight budget and can only afford to take advantage of marketing efforts that are targeted directly at their desired demographic.

PShelper.com is the ultimate resource for all businesses using the ProStores Web store system. Our products and services are quickly implemented to ensure your ProStores Web store is maximized for ease-of-use and profitability.

Our state-of-the-art data centre was built to genuity standards. We use four North American points of presence to ensure reliability. The main center is an 80,000 sq. ft. Intelligent Internet Data Center, located in Toronto, Canada, with a capacity of more than 35,000 servers — built to grow with your business.
Our multi-level approach to security ensures all of your systems and applications operate in a safe and reliable environment. The center provides top-level 24x7x365 perimeter security including video surveillance, biometric and card-key access, and 24-hour on-site security.

Our web server clusters are bundles of hardware, operating systems, and applications integrated to host and serve business-critical web applications to users worldwide. We ensure that the hardware, software and network infrastructure to support websites are optimized for speed and efficiency and robust enough to handle the peaks and valleys of customer demand.

Our servers are protected with software-based firewalling at source and destination addresses, and source and destination ports. Our systems are secured using the latest security methods including router access list filtering on inbound carrier feeds and firewalling at the SYN level on internal devices. Security systems, including firewalls, are tested on a monthly basis. We use security scanners that are automatically updated instantly with the latest exploit/DOS check codes. This provides us with an accurate and detailed report on our systems. |